Thursday, 30 June 2011

glenn beck fired

Here's one way of making a point. Though Glenn Beck may be better known for his tears, the host knows how to get hotheaded when the spark hits—literally. During a demonstration accusing President Obama of fire and brimstone, the host poured gasoline over a colleague while griping about the administration's policies. Beck did provide a caption on-screen saying that the gas was, in fact, water, but we wouldn't put it past him to use the real thing.

Beck's Favorite Things

Not to be outdone by Oprah Winfrey, Beck hosted his own “Favorite Things” episode after Winfrey's big giveaway episode. The host gifted his audience chalk, books, and tickets to his favorite Broadway Show, Billy Elliot, for the holidays. But, no cruises or Australian vacations were in sight.

Beck's Guest Faints

During an explanation of U.S. investments, guest David Buckner told the host he needed to sit down before fainting on air. Buckner recovered from the spill that Beck later chalked up to an illness, but the clip proved one thing: Anything can happen on Glenn Beck.

Beck Admits He's Inept

Self-professed “boob” Beck wanted his viewers to know—time and again—that he is no elite Ivy Leaguer. The departing host instead said he's a self-educated recovering alcoholic and former DJ. In fact, Beck told viewers in a spirited refrain, “You couldn't get dumber than me.” Sounds like a man worth listening to.

Cebu's SRP

The best way to travel when visiting a new city is not via bus, MRT, or taxi. It’s not even while riding on a chauffeur-driven E-class Mercedes Benz. It’s by foot. I did that last Friday. Starting at 7 in the morning, I stepped outside our hotel and was greeted by the Singapore sunshine. I walked, stretched, jogged towards the Singapore Recreation Club, just 300 meters away, where green fields awaited. Football rectangles, covered with pristine grass, smiled. Then, I saw a sight that sparkled: Grass courts. Yes. The same ones you’ll see tonight on Star Sports. The club is exclusive and I did not carry my Babolat gear—so no chance to swing a volley. But the sight was more enticing than any 70-percent-off store in the Singapore Sale.

I ran. Along the famous The Fullerton Hotel, I glided. This was the same strip that our Cebu Executive Runners Club (CERC) group passed during the 2008 Singapore Marathon. I relived that 42K. As sweat rolled down my cheeks while running, another smile emerged. For that’s the secret of running; the satisfaction earned comes from within. Some call it “runner’s high” or “adrenaline rush.”

In Singapore, running is the most popular recreational sport. At their annual Marathon held every first Sunday of December, 50,000 join. Last Friday, I saw snippets of that as dozens exercised, planting one rubber shoe in front of another.

The best part of running Singapore? The Marina Bay. You’ve seen the Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Its design adorns every postcard of this first-world nation. With three colossal towers standing to hold a “boat” at the summit, the sight is majestic. (It’s the world’s most expensive stand-alone casino at $8 billion.) The Marina Bay Sands is the Eiffel Tower… The Burj… the Petronas Towers of Singapore. It’s now the land’s most photographed structure.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

pseb 10th class result 2nd semester

If sources are to believed, results of more than 4 lakh students appeared this year in class 12th examinations is expected to be released today by the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB), Mohalim however there has been no official communication or update on the PSEB official website. PSEB vice-chairman Dr. Suresh Kumar Tandon earlier confirmed that the bar code technology is used to prepare the results this year to bring the timely results, unlike the previous years, to students of their performance.

Some changes have been made this year to avoid the errors encountered in merit list last year as a Delhi-based agency has prepared the result after which PSEB review committee has thoroughly reviewed the results. These results can be checked on the official website of PSEB on, and on several other results portals. To get the get the results on mobile via SMS, type PSEB12(space)ROLL NUMBER and send to 56263.

Dr. Suresh Kumar Tandon also confirmed earlier that the class 10th results of PSEB would be released after the 8 days of declaration of class 12th results, however the use of bar code technology in preparation of class 10th results could not be confirmed.

wbjee results 2011

The WBJEE 2011 results have been declared for those students anticipating their marks on this important exam. WBJEE is the West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam.

According to Times of India, the WBJEE exam results can be obtained online or via text message. There are approximately 100,000 or so candidates who will be obtaining results for the test. Students can check the BanglarMukh website and enter their 6 digit enrollment number to obtain their latest result on the WBJEE.

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) is taken after 12th grade in West Bengal and provides for admission to select schools. These are generally private and government-controlled engineering and medical institutions. Colleges make their selection to accept students based on these marks.

This exam seems comparable to those students take in the United States, especially the SAT, or the exams students take to get into med schools and law school. Students in India will be hoping for the best so they can get into those institutes they really want to attend. That will guide their future careers in medicine or the engineering world.

ip university results 2011

IPU CET Results

The Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) commonly known as IP University will announce the CET 2010 results on June, 17 .

The B.Tech Exam was held on 5 June, 2010 (Saturday).

Today, the university will release the results of the following programmes:

  • MBBS Stage II
  • MBA
  • B.Tech
  • MBA (SEM)
  • BBA
  • B.Tech (Bio Tech)
Candidates can check the results by visiting the link below:
Official website:
If you have any questions related to IPU CET please use CBSE Forum.

Monday, 13 June 2011

ssc graduate level exam 2011 admit card

ALLAHABAD: The SSC (Staff Selection Commission) examination for recruiting candidates in the Central forces was conducted at 29 centres across the city on Sunday.

The exam was conducted peacefully. The examination was held for selecting personnel in CISF (Central Industrial Security Force), CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) and BSF (Border Security Force).

Over 25-30 applicants were denied entry at their respective centres as they arrived late. Neeraj Singh, one of the applicants from Ballia, said, "I reached the centre at 10.03am but, the security guards did not allow me to enter, despite repeated requests." His roll number was 3113033578.

nitte university

UDUPI: The emerging global scenario and the internet have shrunk the world to a global village. Therein lies the opportunity for growth. Hence, you must offer value added services and re-engineer yourself to suit the requirement of your organization where you're going to work, said Dr Maheshappa H, vice-chancellor of VTU, Belgaum, at Nitte on Saturday.

He was delivering the convocation and graduation day address at NMAM Institute of Technology ( Nitte Engineering College). Addressing the students of BE 2007-2011 batch, MTech 2009-11 and MCA 2008-11 batches who received their scrolls of honour, Maheshappa said: "The students have a bigger responsibility now, as we are living in an era of globalization and liberalization, with no geographical borders for trade and commerce. Inter-dependence and linkages have become closer and dense," he said.

He told the students that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm and there was no substitute for hard work and only sincere, dedicated and devoted work will set them apart from the rest of the world.

cet results 2011 maharashtra

The Maharashtra Health and Technology Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) results for the year 2011 will be declared on June 14, 2011. The final merit list will be announced on 25th June 2011. The students can view their results at

The form filling and the central admission process for medical as well as engineering admissions are likely to start from the last week of June or the 1st Week of July 2011. Tough competition is expected for the admissions of medical seats.

On the contrary, many of the engineering seats are expected to be vacant this year, due to the excessive number of engineering colleges.

Last year more than 22,000 seats had gone vacant. However, many of the engineering colleges are waiting for the AICTE approval for the commencement of the academic session.

More than 7,000 medical seats, 1,00,000 engineering seats and 9,000 pharmacy seats are to be absorbed through the MHT-CET for the year 2011.

csat 2011 paper — UPSC Prelims Examinations Answer Key and Solution For Paper - I of SET C of CSAT 2011. Paper - I was very hard and whole cut-off of Prelims for UPSC will depend on this GS section only.CSAT 2011 UPSC Answer Key solution for Paper - I------ ...

ugc net result december 2010

The wait for the candidates who have been waiting for the results of their performance delivered in National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC in December 2010 may finally be over as UGC is expected to release these results today i.e. 13th June, however there is official confirmation regarding the time of declaration of these results.

The NET results were delayed earlier as these were supposed to come out somewhere in April 2011 after which UGC was pressurized by a high-level delegation of Students Islamic Organization of India (SIO) followed by which UGC assured that results will be released on, if not before, 13th June. These results can be checked on the official website of UGC NET on, when published today.

National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted twice a year which serves a basic eligibility criteria for the post of lecturers where award for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is also determined by this test which means that the information of any event which may cause the delay in declaration of the results should be communicated to the applicants else the whole purpose of conducting the test is defeated as the future of thousands of aspiring lectures rely on the results.

mht cet result 2011

The Maharashtra Health and Technology Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) results for the year 2011 will be declared on June 14, 2011. The final merit list will be announced on 25th June 2011. The students can view their results at

The form filling and the central admission process for medical as well as engineering admissions are likely to start from the last week of June or the 1st Week of July 2011. Tough competition is expected for the admissions of medical seats.

On the contrary, many of the engineering seats are expected to be vacant this year, due to the excessive number of engineering colleges.

Last year more than 22,000 seats had gone vacant. However, many of the engineering colleges are waiting for the AICTE approval for the commencement of the academic session.

More than 7,000 medical seats, 1,00,000 engineering seats and 9,000 pharmacy seats are to be absorbed through the MHT-CET for the year 2011.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Disturbia: the Spectacular

While there is very little that is original about Disturbia, it unfolds with a slow intensity and builds to a nauseatingly suspenseful finish. ShiaLaBeouf is one of the most watchable young actors and has a great screen presence; here he brings out your inner voyeur as a 17-year old confined to house arrest after punching his Spanish teacher. The premise -- borrowed from Rear Window -- is simple: when confined to the home curiosity takes over, and sometimes you get more than you anticipate when you spy on the neighbors. It's a nailbiting PG13 thriller along the lines of Wes Craven's Red Eye and -- while it contains its fair share of unrealism and cliche -- it will keep you on the edge of your seat. A modern update of Rear Window with less subtlety, it nevertheless has humor and style and the first ten minutes will really mess with you.

judy garland with linda lovelace

On the occasion of what would have been Judy Garland’s 89th birthday, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and The Paley Center have announced the details today for FSLC’s comprehensive retrospective of the peerless film icon’s work, All Singin’, All Dancin’, All JUDY! which will screen at the Walter Reade Theater July 26 – August 9 and The Paley Center’s comprehensive retrospective of Garland’s television work,JUDY GARLAND: THE TELEVISION YEARS which will be presented July 20 – August 18.

With autumn marking the 75th anniversary of Judy Garland’s feature film debut (PIGSKIN PARADE, 1936), the Film Society of Lincoln Center will screen 31 titles from July 26 – August 9, including each of her big-screen acting performances, to pay tribute to the incomparable talent known as Judy Garland. All but two films will be presented in 35mm, with the two exceptions (THE WIZARD OF OZ and A STAR IS BORN) presented in stunning 4k digital restorations.

All Singin’, All Dancin’, All JUDY! will mark the first-ever United States celebration of Judy Garland’s movies to be presented by an arts organization of this kind as well as being the most complete and comprehensive retrospective of her films since the London National Film Theatre’s program 40 years ago in 1971.

The program will be coordinated with and produced in association with The Paley Center, which will present the first comprehensive retrospective of Judy Garland’s television work called JUDY GARLAND: THE TELEVISION YEARS from July 20 – August 18. In addition to highlights from The Judy Garland Show, which allowed her to share the spotlight with such entertainers as Mickey Rooney, Barbra Streisand, Ethel Merman, and Peggy Lee, the screening series will include rarely shown guest spots Garland did on such programs as The Ed Sullivan Show, The Tonight Show, The Sammy Davis Jr. Show, On Broadway Tonight, and The Jack Paar Program. For more information go to


act test

The city council of Leicester, UK, has twenty days to respond to this Freedom of Information Act request by resident Robert Ainsley:

Leicester City Council has 20 working days to answer but its head of information governance, Lynn Wyeth, took to local radio yesterday to address the issue.

She said: “We’ve had a few wacky ones but this one did make us laugh.

“It’s one of those questions that you could do a one-liner saying there is nothing specifically in the emergency plan to state a response to a zombie invasion.

So either the government officials are either (1) guilt of gross negligence or (2) hiding their true plan — one that probably provides for the security of selected elites.

us airways and aeropuertos argentina 2000

STATESVILLE, N.C. — With blankets and children and umbrellas to ward off the Southern sun, hundreds gathered at overpasses and grassy wide spots on the shoulder along Interstate 77 on Friday morning.

“We’re waiting here for the miracle plane,” said Doris Eades, 69, as she sat on a guardrail.

Suddenly there it was, the battered, wingless fuselage of US Airways Flight 1549, the star of what has come to be known as the “miracle on the Hudson,” rumbling by on a custom flatbed trailer.

“Look at it. Oh, I love seeing it,” said Linda Speelman, 60, a retired US Airways flight attendant.

When word got around that she had once flown on a plane with Capt. Chesley Sullenberger III, the pilot who made that pitch-perfect water landing in 2009, she became an instant celebrity among the overpass crowd here.

It has been this way nearly all week, as the remains of the Airbus A320 and the caravan escorting it from New Jersey moved south along the highway to its new home at theCarolinas Aviation Museum.

People followed the plane’s progress on Twitter and Facebook, and tracked its exact location on the Web site of J. Supor & Sons, the New Jersey trucking company in charge of the move.

Admirers drove for hours to find the weigh stations where it parked each night, joining hundreds just to touch its side.

Although the plane made its spectacular emergency landing on the Hudson River in New York, and New Yorkers rescued all 155 passengers and crew, this Southern city is where it belongs, said Shawn Dorsch, the president of the museum. He spent 18 months working to secure the plane for his museum, and rode with it the length of the journey.

“It’s a Charlotte story,” he said. “The airport it was going to was Charlotte. Eighty percent of passengers and crew were from Charlotte.”

Ben Bostic was one of those people. He was in Seat 20A. He had a clear view of an engine that burst into flames after taking in several geese shortly after the plane took off.

He spent Thursday and Friday riding with the fuselage on its final leg to Charlotte, where he works as a technology executive for a bank. The last time he saw the plane, “she” had been in the water, he said.

He calls it “she” or “her,” terms of affection for an aircraft he initially blamed in the weeks after the crash.

“I was like, why did your engine have to go out and catch on fire and scare the crap out of me?” he said.

With time, he saw things differently.

“She did everything that she could, that she had to do for us to survive, staying afloat and not breaking apart,” he said. “I grew really fond of the plane as I started to understand how she was extremely vital in our survival.”

Mr. Bostic will be at a reception Saturday in a hangar at the Charlotte airport where the plane will be restored and then moved to the museum.

Designers spent hours gathering stories from him and other passengers as part of their work to turn the plane into a multimillion-dollar exhibit. It will be as much about aviation safety and history as it will be about hope.

The black boxes, personal stories and even life jackets from the boats that rescued passengers will all be part of it.

So will the wings, on which passengers stood waiting for help as millions watched on television.

“There are passengers who couldn’t care less about anything but the wings,” Mr. Dorsch said.

Mr. Sullenberger will offer a speech at the private fund-raising event, which will be the first time the crew and the passengers have all been gathered in one place since that cold day in January.

The last time he saw the plane was at a New Jersey salvage yard shortly after the accident. He took an emotional walk around the plane, touching it and making note of how little damage it had sustained considering how hard it hit the water.

In an interview before he headed to Charlotte from his home in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mr. Sullenberger said he was surprised so many people followed “his” plane home.

Then he pondered why.

Was it the chance to show their children a piece of American history, as many people along the route said?

Or the opportunity to see something they saw on TV in real time?

Or maybe, as others said, watching the plane roll by was simply a way to enliven an otherwise sleepy Southern Friday morning.

No, said Mr. Sullenberger, who now makes his living writing books, giving speeches on leadership and consulting on safety.

“It’s a reminder of selflessness and cooperative behavior and goodness,” he said. “It’s a reaffirmation of life, ultimately.”

Thursday, 9 June 2011

tndte diploma results 2011 online

TNDTE Diploma Results 2011 or Squarebrothers Diploma Results April 2011 has been released online on the official website at of The Directorate of Technical Education (DOTE), Government of Tamil Nadu (TNDTE). Students can download TNDTE Diploma Results 2011 or Squarebrothers Diploma Results April 2011 from the below updated direct links as these tndtediploma results april 2011 declared today on June 9, 2011.

TNDTE Official Website –

TNDTE Squarebrothers diploma results April 2011 –

mdu results 2011 online

This post is an aggregated version from our selected websites, the website has published information regarding MDU Results 2011 B.Tech, Mducoe Results Rohtak at and the summary of this post is here.

MDU Results 2011 B.Tech or Mducoe Results Rohtak has been declared on the official website of MDU Rohtak at Students can download their MDU Results 2011 B.Tech or Mducoe Results Rohtak of December 2010 exams from here or on the MDU Rohtak website. Students of MDU Rohtak who had appeared in the B.E &

Visit link:
MDU Results 2011 B.Tech, Mducoe Results Rohtak at